God Guides Us in all Truths
THE TRINITY IS THE GOD OF SALVATION - Holy Trinity Sunday: June 16, 2019
Tomorrow the Christian Church celebrates that we believe in a Triune God. Triune comes from the Latin Tri (three) and unus (one). Our God is triune because he tells us that he is three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, but only one God.
Common to the lessons on Trinity Sunday are the interoperation of all three persons of the godhead in our salvation. It is true that we speak frequently and glowingly of the work of Jesus. Yet the Father and the Holy Spirit are just as involved, and just as important to our salvation as Jesus is. That truth is explained in our first lesson when God teaches Aaron: “this is how you are to bless my people,” and then speaks the name of the Triune God on their heads. This blessing is sometimes called the “Aaronic blessing,” since God taught it first to Aaron. These ancient words are more than 3,500 years old, and are still spoken regularly in our worship today. Both the second lesson from Romans and the Gospel from John explain the cooperation of Father, Son and Holy Spirit to bring us God’s grace. We are unconditionally loved by Father, Son and Spirit!
"I will pour out my Spirit on all people." Come, Holy Spirit!
► Readings:
• Numbers 6:22-27: Bless in the name of the triune God.
• Romans 5:1-5: The blessing of forgiveness.
• John 16:12-15: The triune God cooperates in salvation.
• Psalm: 8
► Sermon theme ( John 16:12-15): "God Guides Us In All Truth"