No Match for My Savior
TESTIFY TO THE POWER OF GOD - Sundays after Pentecost: June 23, 2019
Two boys were bragging about their fathers on the playground. When the bell rang, their verbal sparring carried over into the classroom. "My dad can do 20 pushups! I saw him do it." The other replied, "My dad can run so fast he could beat anyone in a race." Boys who gloat about the impressive talents and abilities of their fathers obviously have a deep love and respect for them.
Has the LORD done anything to impress you? Has he demonstrated his power with pushups or agility? Sunday's lessons suggest that when it comes to our God's talents and abilities, we've got a lot to gloat about.
Take for example, the first lesson from Isaiah. There the LORD was tired of being compared to worthless, powerless gods made of wood or stone. So, he calls nations to a public hearing so that they can witness the one and only powerful LORD. There were no gods before him; there will be none after him. "I, even I, am the Lord, and apart from me there is no Savior" (Isaiah 43:8-13).
Paul reminds Timothy of God's power repeatedly in our second lesson. By God's power, we were brought from unbelief to faith. By God's power, we are able to persevere in a godless world by leading holy lives. Christ Jesus showed his power by destroying death and by bringing life and immortality to light. That's impressive! Without Christ's power, death would live and life would die.
Jesus demonstrates his power over demons and the supernatural forces of evil in Luke's lesson. A demon-possessed man had been running around naked and terrorizing the countryside. Jesus cast the demons out of the man, and told him to witness to his family and friends how great God was.
So, what can your God do? He saves, he destroys death and the devil, overcomes evil, and brings life and immortality to life through the Gospel. We've got something to brag about!
► Readings:
• First lesson: Isaiah 43:8-13: Apart from the LORD, there is no Savior.
• 2 Timothy 1:3-10: Life and immortality brought to light.
• Luke 8:26-39: My Savior is powerful.
• Psalm: 66
► Sermon (Luke 8:26-39) Theme: "No Match for my Savior"