How 'Bout a Whole Christmas
How 'Bout a Whole Christmas
THE FATHER PRESERVED THE PLAN OF SALVATION: First Sunday after Christmas, December 29, 2019
We celebrate Christmas with hearts full of peace and joy, as well we should. However, much of the way Jesus entered the world was filled with strife. How do you follow up the stress an inconvenient but mandatory trip from Nazareth to Bethlehem, a very pregnant wife travelling on a donkey, and emergency delivery in Bethlehem and a room at a stable? With a murder threat!
When the magi told Herod news of a king born in Bethlehem, he assumed the worst and his anger flared. He ordered all children 2-years old and younger to be killed, a terrible tragedy. Jesus' life was at risk, too! God sent an angel to Joseph and told them to escape to Egypt, and in so doing preserved Jesus' life, and his salvation plan.
The whole Christmas story emphasizes the lengths of love God went to for our salvation. He so loved the world that he sent his son! But he also preserved and protected him once he was here so that Christ would carry out the world's redemption. Praise the Lord!
► Readings:
• Isaiah 63:7-9: An ardent prayer to deliver his people.
• Galatians 4:4-7: Through Christ we are sons and heirs.
• Matthew 2:13-23: The escape to Egypt.
• Psalm: 2
► Sermon theme on Galatians 4:4-7: "How 'Bout a Whole Christmas?" (Click here for sermon transcript.)
Sunday Service Times: 8:00 & 10:45am.
Coffee Hour: 9:00-9:30am.
Bible Classes, Nursery & Sunday School: 9:30-10:30am.