What God is Like
JESUS MAKES THE FATHER KNOWN: Second Sunday after Christmas, January 5, 2020
We are now in the season of Christmas. Christmas is both a day and a season. During the twelve days of Christmas (December 25 through January 5), we continue our celebration of the incarnation of Jesus Christ, the Son of God who was born of the Virgin Mary to be our brother and
our Savior.
"Introductions, please!" With all the seasonal parties you've attended over the past month, you probably were introduced to others. And when your collegiate kid returns home for Christmas with a significant other hanging on his arm, you are very interested in a proper introduction.
Would you like a proper introduction to God? We know a little bit about God from the created universe and our conscience. God reveals himself more clearly in the Bible. Throughout the Old Testament, God revealed himself through various signs and wonders. The record of his faithfulness and protection are legendary! Even so, God remains largely hidden and unknown.
The New Testament gives us a fuller introduction. Christmas is God's clearest presentation of himself to the world. We know more about Jesus than any other person of the Godhead. The little baby in the manger was God. He was holy and righteous; he is love, grace and truth. Jesus introduces God to us by becoming God with us!
If you want to know God better, let me introduce you to Jesus. Jesus reveals the Godhead to us. Remember Jesus telling Philip, "Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father" (John 14:9). This week's Gospel says plainly, "No one has ever seen God, but God the One and Only, who is at the Father’s side, has made him known" (John 1:18).
You've probably forgotten most of the people you were introduced to in the last month. Meeting
God is different. He'll change your life - and for the better!
► Readings:
• Isaiah 61:10-62:3: Clothed in Christ's righteousness.
• Ephesians 1:3-18: The Church is the body of Christ.
• John 1:14-18: Christ makes the Father known.
• Psalm: 72
► Sermon theme on John 1:14-18: "What God is Like" (Click here for sermon transcript.)