Last Will and Testament
Do you comparison shop? Check the price at a couple different stores before you buy? Well, Jesus encourages us to count the cost of being his disciple. "If anyone comes to me and does hate his father and mother, wife and children, his brothers and sisters – yes, even his own life - he cannot be my disciple." We hear those words and want to find wiggle room. Jesus can't really mean that, can he? But is this really anything else than the 1st Commandment? God comes first. But so often we say those words, but I come first, family second, God third. That's idolatry, and this is why Jesus encourages us to count the cost - to think ahead of time what it will cost. It's also why he is so blunt because it is easy to say God comes first...except for family, sports, job… God is jealous and will not give his glory to another, not even if they are family, but he has also shown his great love in sending his son to save us. Check out the other religions of the world and you won't find a single one like Christianity that teaches God has done everything for your salvation. So, having counted the cost, it is worth giving up everything in this life to be Jesus disciple. And like Moses says, "the LORD is your life." Guided by God's word we count the cost and gladly carry our crosses.
► Readings:
• Deuteronomy 30:15-20: The LORD is your life.
• Philemon 1, 10-21: Philemon was guided by God’s Word.
• Luke 14:25-35: Count the cost.
• Psalm: 1
► Sermon theme: "Last Will and Testament"