Money is No Substitute for God
Money is No Substitute for God
If we are not careful, we can get lost in the details of this parable. The point isn't about the dishonesty of the manager, but his shrewdness when he lost his job. He realized he was going to be on the street and he needed to make use of the time he had left! God desires us to be shrewd with the resources he gives us - not that we are stingy, but rather recognize we have limited amounts of time and resources in this world to be about his business. The point is faithfulness. Jesus even talks about using our worldly wealth to gain friends to the point of it being used up...and being welcomed into eternal dwellings! Whether God has blessed you with much or little, be faithful in its use as stewards of God. And when we keep the focus where it should be, then we can even enjoy whatever possessions God gives us with contentedness.
Paul warns Timothy about the love of money. In Ecclesiastes we are encouraged to be content with what God has given us.
► Readings:
• Ecclesiastes 5:10-20:
• 1 Timothy 6:6-10, 17-19: Paul warns about the love of money.
• Luke 16:1-13: Use wealth with true riches in mind.
• Psalm: 128
► Sermon theme: "Money is No Substitute for God"