Live with Reality in Mind
THE LORD IS COMING SOON: November 17, 2019
About this time of year, high school students and especially collegiates face the pressure of deadlines. Essays and research papers are often due before Thanksgiving, and then they have to face their final exams in December. Those deadlines can cause stress and unrest, unless of course you're prepared.
The theme of Sunday's service assumes a deadline, too. Each lesson talks about the end of the world, or as the Bible calls it "the Last Day" or "the Day of the Lord." Time marches on a collision course to that point when Jesus Christ will return and stand upon the earth. Malachi affirms that day will come, before describing the different reactions between believers and unbelievers. Paul explains that God will judge all unbelievers with everlasting destruction and they will be shut out from the presence of the Lord. Wouldn't that be far more stressful than an essay or exam?
Believers need not stress or worry about the Last Day since they've been prepared through faith in Christ. In fact, they eagerly await that day. They look forward to that day because it's the culmination of the heavenly promise God has held out before them. And, in order to continually stimulate their preparation, Jesus lays out a list of signs that will take place that will serve as precursors of the end. When we see those signs, you know Christ is coming!
Essays and tests have deadlines, and so does this world. But God doesn't share with us the exact date or time. Rather, he invites us to continually prepare for his arrival in expectant faith. Heaven will be worth the wait!
► Readings:
• Malachi 4:1-6: The Last Day is coming.
• 2 Thessalonians 1:5-10: On the Last Day, God will judge.
• Luke 21:5-19: Signs leading up to the Last Day.
• Psalm: 98