Show Me Jesus
CHRIST THE KING SUNDAY: A Celebration of the Word & Work of Christ in the Seasons of the Church Year - November 24, 2019
The diagram attached summarizes a longstanding annual pattern of Bible readings, holidays, and festivals that we, along with many Christians around the world, observe. It's usually called the "Church Year." On the final Sunday of the Church Year, we will briefly review the theme and purpose of each season, seeing that no matter where we are on the calendar, Christ is always our focus.
During the first half of the year, we focus on the life of Jesus-His incarnation and birth, His ministry, His perfect obedience to the Father, His suffering and death, His resurrection and ascension. That half of the year, often called the "festival half," begins with the season of Advent in late November/early December and runs through the season of Easter. After Pentecost, during the summer and fall, we observe the "non-festival half" of the church year. We turn our attention to the teachings of Jesus-how He instructed His followers both through words and actions.
During the service we will hear readings and sing hymns from each season of the church year. Please join us.
► Readings:
• ADVENT: Luke 1:26-35
• CHRISTMAS: Isaiah 9:6-7
• EPIPHANY: Matthew 2:1-2, 9-12
• LENT: John 18:33-37; 19:14-16
• EASTER: 1 Corinthians 15:17-25
• SEASON AFTER PENTECOST: Matthew 25:31-40
► Sermon theme: "Show Me Jesus"