Prosperity Problems
What makes you feel secure? Is it the security system you may have on your house? Is it the police? Is it your wealth? Many people find their comfort in their wealth. The rich man in our gospel lesson did. The people in Amos' day as well. Yet the old saying is true, "You can't take it with you." Wealth won't help one bit when you stand before the judgment seat of God. That's what the rich man found out, although sadly too late. And so in all three lessons we are warned about the dangers of putting our trust in money. Rather than from money, our security comes from God's promises in his word. And those promises don't change if our bank balance goes down, nor is God more faithful to his promises if our bank account balance goes up. Whether rich or poor, we take to heart the words from Hebrews, "Be content with what you have." Find your riches and your security in God's word and promises. And in Christ Jesus we are eternally rich!
► Readings:
• Amos 6:1-7: Security doesn’t come from possessions.
• Hebrews 13:1-6: Be content with what you have.
• Luke 16:19-31: Worldly riches can’t buy eternity.
• Psalm: 146
► Sermon theme: "Prosperity Problems"