10/3/2021 - St. Michael and All Angels

Were you ever afraid of the dark? Little boy and girls are often afraid of the dark. When you can’t see, a vivid imagination wonders what might be out there lurking in your closet or under your bed. Even adults fear things they can’t see. As you lie in bed late at night hearing the strange noises, creaking and slamming, you explain to yourself “It’s just the house settling.” As you lie there, alert and afraid, you wonder.

Michael is one of two angels that the Bible names for us. The other is the great messenger of God’s grace, Gabriel. Gabriel’s job was to announce the remarkable acts of God’s salvation to the expectant world. Michael’s job is different. Michael is called the archangel, that is, the leader of the angels. The Bible says that he is in charge of the great army of angels that God uses to protect and care for us. This is the day we remember God’s great love in giving us these amazing protectors, the angels.

Sunday we’re celebrating the Festival of St. Michael and All Angels. For 1500 years the Christian Church has celebrated this festival near the autumnal equinox, the day of 12 hours of sunlight and 12 hours of darkness. As Christians watched the autumn nights grow longer and the days grow shorter, they were reminded of the struggle between good and evil— between the forces of light and the forces of darkness—between the angel armies of God and the demonic forces of Satan. And so, every year as autumn darkened into winter, the Church celebrated the Feast of the Archangel, and remembered that Michael and All the Angels fought on their side.

Angels are an important part of God’s answers to our fears. God wants to give us the proper perspective as we go through this life. No matter what sounds we hear, or dilemmas we face, or tragedies we endure. God’s message for us is this: Don’t be afraid; you're not alone.

God bless your worship.


2 Kings 6:8–17; Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.

Revelation 12:7–12; The war in the heavens.

Luke 10:17–20; Satan fell like lightning from heaven

Psalm 91

SERMON TEXT: Revelation 12:7–12

SERMON THEME: “Protected by God and His Angels” (Preacher, Vicar Justus McKenzie)

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Leigh Webster